The first hints ...
Jaime, from the state of Guanajuato, descended from a small family, consisting of his parents and two brothers. In addition to being Licensed Public Accountant began a parallel career: painting and visual arts.
Make your artistic development in the city you currently reside: Queretaro. Works to develop their vocational training at a property where it meets the art world in a way closer to being part of the DRT Gallery. This reinforces the self-taught skills in various art seminars and begins to take color paintings to express their personal experiences.
"I started in the world of painting by chance in a painting class that began in the gallery of my work as a student of Ma De Los Angeles Martínez de Quevedo. I signed up and have not remembered that I could draw. "
What he is passionate about painting watch "I love those pictures when you are away you go back to them they still have much to say. It is so profoundly to enter a universe created by feelings that will stay for a long time. "
"I prepared by looking paintings in my office, there are many paintings and photographs, I love watching them and is my best form of distraction, I always find something new, there are states of mind. I also like to buy paintings and photography books, I'm addicted to the images, I am a very visual person. "
His hero is Frida Kahlo painting: "It's who I came to painting, I could not forget her face in a painting that I first saw it, as well as I knew his work (initiated the eighties), there was much press about it and go slowly discovering his life indelibly his paintings was a magnet. I always talk about it. In all my rooms in the house and the office is a picture of her accompanying me. Also I love Goya, Piet Mondrian and Remedios Varo. "
His inspiration is his own experiences and what inspire the people around him. Living in Paris is one of the most recurring dream - I dream of traveling, seeing many movies, listen to many songs, meet new people ... do not suppress my feelings. "